Aged Care And Retirement Living

Glen Innes Masonic Village

The Glen Innes Masonic Village is a Residential Aged Care Facility in Glen Innes owned by the Royal Freemasons’ Benevolent Institution. The centre currently caters for 51 residents. In addition, the facility contains other essential rooms with various functions such as a laundry, nurse’s stations, health care provider rooms, staff room, administration and office areas. Planix Projects were engaged to project manage the addition of 13 new state of the art bedroom suites and alterations and upgrade of meeting rooms, common areas and external facilities. Due to the facility’s numerous past renovations the Fire Safety upgrade was a critical design challenge with these works. To manage the unknown risks associated with a refurbishment projects an ECI Procurement Model was implemented to ensure transparent and ‘best for project’ culture was endorsed throughout the lifecycle of the Project.
Due to bed licensing timelines, an innovative staging plan was implemented to ensure critical Separable Portions were prioritised without impacting residents during construction.
Overall the Design, Construction and Project team worked collaboratively to achieve a well-coordinated outcome.